Weekly Online MVCI Tournament
Platform: PC/STEAM
Please add Cataclysm (42746828) to your friends list. This is a requirement.
Stream can be found at: https://www.twitch.tv/icuhater
Brackets: ralston.challonge.com
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/GepJVwD
All matches called in the discord. You must be in the discord to participate in event (#mvci-general)
Twitter: @ralstonarcade @i_c_u_hater
- All matches 3 out of 5
- Loser can change stone or team, winner must stay with same team and stone
- Easy Hyper allowed
- Auto Combo allowed
- matches will be called in discord chat
- report all results in discord chat (Please tag @cataclysm with each score report)
- some matches will be called as player arranged
- stream matches will be called and invites to stream lobby will be sent out
- DQ RULE: Each match has a 15min grace period. If you don't hear from your opponent after 15mins from when is called, please let TO know. They will make a ruling.
- COLLUSION RULE: Collusion in terms of a MVCI tournament is when a player, players, or opponents uses a prohibited method or incentive, or agreement to influence the outcome of a match. TOs have full discretion at what does and doesn't constitute collusion.